
Heart Sculpture

Name: “Beat to bit”

Author: Pere Gifre

Co-Author: Josep Esteve

Project Coordinator: Natalia Maldonado

QR APPS programmed by Tons of Toons

Location: Union Square (San Francisco)


– San Francisco General Hospital (http://www.sfdph.org)

– AT&T (http://www.att.com)

SF Heart_logos


In this sculpture, our aim is to create a unique design of interactive sculpture that expresses what our city is like: open minded and tolerant to any race, sex, religion, culture, economic status or political ideology; a city that believes, above all, in the common good and promotes the opening of our hearts. For these reasons, we have used the colors of the rainbow flag, since these represent the ideals that we want to express in our design.

Currently almost all devices have QR readers on their operating system, but this will be the first sculpture in the world with interactive color QR.  Our design has been implemented with features that make interaction with people possible, making it a unique and iconic element.

The QR system used for the heart is patented by Pere Gifre and Josep Esteve and has been programmed by Tons of Toons (www.tonsoftoons.com). They are distributed throughout the heart, and their contents are an audio, a video, a text, a picture or an application.








Pere Gifre

Pere Gifre